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Frequently Asked Questions


 I want to transfer my studies from a foreign university to Uzbekistan.  Can I take the exam in the form of an interview to transfer my studies?
 I graduated from the 1st year at a non-governmental higher education institution in Uzbekistan.  I want to transfer my studies to Tashkent State University of Economics.  What is the procedure and what documents are required from the higher education institution where I study?
 Are there any benefits for those who are married when moving to study abroad?
 We are preparing young people to enter the master's program after completing the bachelor's degree in higher education.  However, when the list of peers was approved for admission to the master's program, the opportunities for entrants to choose a master's degree were very limited.  Please review your peers list.
 Can a student who owes money to the state higher education institutions transfer his studies?
 I graduated from Termez State University with a degree in Preschool Education.  Since my permanent residence is in Fergana region, can I transfer my studies to Fergana State University in the field of Primary Education?
 What will be the passing scores of the exams to transfer study abroad?
 In 2019, I was awarded the Beruni State Scholarship.  In 2021 I graduated from the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine.  I want to enter the National University of Uzbekistan for a master's degree.  Will I be privileged to be a Beruni State Scholarship winner?
 Can a student with a disability be postponed from course to course if he or she fails to master 3 subjects from the summer session?
 Can I transfer to a master's degree in a higher education institution abroad and transfer my studies to a master's degree in a higher education institution in Uzbekistan after the 1st year?
 In previous academic years, Bukhara State Medical Institute would be admitted to the second specialty.  We have higher education, we wanted to apply.  Will there be a second major admission this year as well?
 My cousin is a citizen of Kazakhstan and is currently a 1st year graduate of an institute in Kazakhstan.  Can this cousin transfer his studies to Uzbekistan?
I graduated from Bukhara State University with a degree in Physical Education.  Can I transfer my studies to the Economics Department of this university?
 I have a military unit recommendation.  Can I choose 5 directions with this recommendation?  How can my privilege be applied if possible?
 Can graduates of higher education institutions trained on a contract basis be placed in compulsory employment?
 Is a first-year student studying in the credit module system allowed to transfer his / her studies if he / she becomes indebted to 1 subject at the end of the academic year (2nd semester)?
 In February 2020, I moved my studies from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan.  I have just graduated from the 2nd year of Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute by correspondence.  Doesn’t that prevent me from moving from studying in Kazakhstan last year?  Can I currently transfer my studies to Tashkent for some reason?
 My nephew received a recommendation from the Ministry of Mahalla and Family Support for women.  Will my nephew be admitted to a higher education institution on the basis of a state grant with this recommendation?
 I received a recommendation from the military unit.  Will this recommendation also take the form of distance learning?
 I graduated from Navoi State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in biology.  Can I study at medical institutes for a second specialty?  When does the application for the second specialty start?  Can an applicant who studied on a state grant also study for a second specialty or is an original diploma required?
 I have completed 2nd year and I want to transfer my studies from one faculty to another within a university.  Will I continue my studies from the 3rd year if I transfer my studies during this academic year or from the 2nd year again?
 If you provide full information about transfer from non-state university to state university and scores.
 I received my bachelor’s degree on a state grant basis.  Now I want to pursue a master’s degree abroad.  In that case, will I be given an original bachelor’s degree?  Do I have to work for 3 years even after I get my master’s degree?  If I study for a master's degree in Uzbekistan in the same order, what will be the order?